When we lose a family member, it’s natural to want to protect our pets from sadness. But research shows that allowing pets to say goodbye can be crucial for their emotional processing and healing journey.
Understanding Through Presence
Dogs and cats don’t comprehend death the way humans do, but they understand absence. When allowed to be present during final moments or to see their companion afterward, they often show less searching behavior and anxiety in the following weeks. This presence helps them process the transition from presence to absence in a way their minds can understand.
The Science of Scent and Closure
Our pets experience the world primarily through scent. When a companion disappears without explanation, they lack the olfactory closure they need to understand what happened. A chance to be present during farewells allows them to process the changing scents associated with death, helping their brains understand the finality of the situation.
Preventing the Endless Wait
Without closure, many pets will continue searching or waiting for their missing companion for months or even years. The opportunity to say goodbye can prevent this painful pattern of waiting and searching, allowing them to begin their healing journey sooner.
Honoring the Bond
These animals shared life’s daily moments together – meals, walks, naps, and play. Their bond deserves the respect of a proper farewell. Whether it’s a companion animal or their human passing, acknowledging this connection helps validate the depth of their relationships.
The Gentle Approach
When including pets in farewells:
- Allow them to approach or retreat as they choose
- Create a calm, quiet environment
- Give them time to process in their own way
- Watch for signs of distress
- Provide comfort and reassurance
- Respect their reaction, whatever it may be
After the Farewell
Following a goodbye, pets may need:
- Extra patience and understanding
- Maintained routines
- Gentle attention
- Time to process
- Space when they seek it
- Comfort when they need it
New Book: Do Pets Have A Place In Heaven – Find it here!

Including pets in farewells isn’t about causing them pain – it’s about preventing the deeper pain of permanent uncertainty. It honors their capacity for love and provides the closure they need to heal. In these tender moments, we can help our faithful friends understand and process loss in their own way.
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