While planning a family holiday to Thailand, Kai, the devoted dad of a bulldog named Igor, faced a challenging decision.He couldn’t bear the thought of leaving Igor behind.Igor, a lovable...
Category: Dogs
In the bustling city of Detroit, a poignant story unfolds at the Detroit Animal Welfare Group (DAWG).Meet Bear, a canine resident who has been waiting for over two and a half years for a loving...
The innovative exhibition, which ran for just two days, featured a series of interactive installations aimed at stimulating dogs both physically and mentally.This groundbreaking event invited...
Move over, Grumpy Cat!There's a new sourpuss in town, and he's got four legs and a tail.Introducing Earl, the puggle pup who's taking the internet by storm with his adorably grumpy...
In a charming display of canine cleverness, a Golden Retriever has taken the internet by storm with his unique strategy to extend his playtime at the park.Watch...
In a surprising display of barnyard talent, a chicken has captured the hearts of millions by pecking out the Star-Spangled Banner on a keyboard.Watch...