We’ve all heard the old adage, “You can’t teach an old dog new tricks.”
Well, I’m here to tell you that it’s not just a myth – it’s downright wrong.
As the proud owner of a senior canine companion, I recently embarked on a journey to prove this saying false.
Not only did I succeed in teaching my old dog a new trick, but the experience also opened my eyes to the numerous benefits of continued learning for our aging furry friends.
In this article, I’ll share my story and explain why you should consider teaching your old dog some new tricks too.
The Challenge: Why Teach an Old Dog?
When I first considered teaching my 12-year-old Labrador, Sam, a new trick, I was met with skepticism from friends and family.
“He’s set in his ways,” they said.
“He’s too old to learn anything new.”
But I saw things differently.
I noticed that Sam, while still loving and loyal, had become less engaged with his surroundings.
His days consisted mostly of eating, sleeping, and the occasional walk.
I wondered if introducing a new challenge might reignite that spark of curiosity I remembered from his younger years.

Choosing the Right Trick
The first step in our journey was selecting an appropriate trick.
I knew it had to be something that:
- Wasn’t too physically demanding
- Could be broken down into simple steps
- Utilized Sam’s natural behaviors
After some consideration, I decided on teaching Sam to “shake hands.”
It seemed perfect – a simple action that built on his tendency to paw at me when he wanted attention.
The Training Process
Patience is Key
The most important lesson I learned during this process was the value of patience.
Unlike puppies, older dogs may take longer to pick up new commands.
I had to remind myself that this wasn’t a race, and that every small sign of progress was worth celebrating.
Short, Frequent Sessions
Rather than long training sessions, I opted for short, 5-minute practices several times a day.
This kept Sam from getting tired or frustrated, and it fit easily into our daily routine.
Positive Reinforcement
Treats and praise were essential motivators.
I used small, soft treats that were easy for Sam to eat, and I made sure to shower him with verbal praise and gentle pets whenever he made any progress.
Breaking It Down
I broke the “shake” command into tiny steps:
- Rewarding Sam for lifting his paw slightly
- Gradually raising the height requirement
- Introducing my hand as a target
- Adding the verbal cue “shake”
The Breakthrough Moment
After about two weeks of consistent practice, it happened.
I held out my hand and said, “Shake, Sam,” and without hesitation, he lifted his paw and placed it in my palm.
The joy I felt in that moment was indescribable, and Sam’s tail wagged with such enthusiasm that I knew he felt it too.

Benefits Beyond the Trick
Mental Stimulation
As we continued to practice and perfect Sam’s new skill, I noticed a marked improvement in his overall alertness.
He seemed more engaged with his surroundings and more responsive to other commands.
Strengthened Bond
The training sessions became a special time for Sam and me to connect.
I found myself looking forward to these moments as much as he did, and our bond grew even stronger.
Increased Confidence
Mastering a new skill gave Sam a noticeable boost in confidence.
He carried himself with a bit more pep in his step, especially when showing off his new trick to visitors.
Physical Benefits
While “shake” isn’t a high-energy trick, the mental engagement seemed to translate into more physical activity.
Sam became more interested in his toys and more eager for walks.

Why You Should Teach Your Old Dog New Tricks
If you have an aging canine companion, here are some compelling reasons to start teaching them new skills:
- Mental Health: Learning new tricks provides crucial mental stimulation, which can help stave off cognitive decline in older dogs.
- Physical Health: The increased mental activity often leads to more physical activity, helping to keep your dog’s body as active as their mind.
- Emotional Well-being: The sense of accomplishment and the extra attention can boost your dog’s mood and overall happiness.
- Strengthened Relationship: Training sessions offer quality one-on-one time that deepens the bond between you and your pet.
- Never Too Late: It’s a heartwarming reminder that it’s never too late to learn, grow, and try new things – for dogs and humans alike.
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Teaching Sam to shake hands was more than just a fun challenge – it was a transformative experience for both of us.
It reminded me of the joy of learning, the power of patience, and the incredible capacity our animal companions have to surprise and delight us, no matter their age.
So, the next time someone tells you that old dogs can’t learn new tricks, I encourage you to prove them wrong.
Pick a trick, grab some treats, and embark on this rewarding journey with your furry friend.
Not only will you be giving your dog a mental and emotional boost, but you’ll also be creating precious memories that will last a lifetime.
Remember, in the world of dogs (and humans), age is just a number.
With love, patience, and persistence, new tricks – and new joys – are always within reach.
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